Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Renaissance Review and The Renaissance Man, Leonardo Da Vinci

                      Leonardo Da Vinci                                                              The Mona Lisa

What were the four things that changed how paintings were done in the Renaissance and from then on?
Let's review:
1. The materials used. There is an interesting progression here from egg tempura and wooden surfaces and panels to fresco walls and ceilings to oil paints on stretched canvas. Oil paints on stretched canvas became the preferred methodology  during this time in art history.Why? Because artists were able to use a wider variety of rich colors and broader value scales to depict more realistic and life like paintings.

2 Perspective. This was very significant because it allows the artist to create the illusion of dimensional space on a flat surface.This technique becomes part of  the foundation for all of European painting over the next 500 years. Da Vinci uses this technique in The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa.

The Last Supper

3. Light and Shadow or Chiaroscuro which is literally translated light /dark in Italian becomes a painting technique perfected by Leonardo Da Vinci and it is used in the Mona Lisa where the light areas, as in the folds of her garments emerge, looking rounded and draped from the dark background of her dress.

4. Pyramid Configuration arranging figures and items in a triangular arrangement or pyramid creates symmetry and a focal point. 

These four new ways of doing things really changed the course for artist during the Renaissance.This time period is so exciting to study because so much was happening during history. Artists were being influence by so many things, science, discovery, exploration, religious change, innovation and inventions. We can see this in the art world as the artist reflected the time, social, political and emotions of the age.

 Vitruvian Man

One such person was Leonardo Da Vinci. Many claimed that he was "The Renaissance Man" because he possessed so many excellent qualities and talents. There was nothing he couldn't do once he set himself to it. He was also found to be handsome and charming. What an interesting person, this Leonardo from Vinci. He was mountain climber, bird watcher and nature lover.  Today we say that he was able to think on both sides of his brain.

Leonardo's Journals on the human body

Leonardo's Journals on flying machines and inventions

This means his logical mathematical mind accomplished just as much as his artistic and creative mind.
Our final project will be a collaborative one. We will work together to paint the Mona Lisa! I look forward to giving you all the details in class.

~ Lots of paints and gesso,  Mrs. W


(The Annotated Mona Lisa, Carol Strickland, Ph.D.pg.32-34)
Photos from Google for educational purpose only

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