Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Creation- Student Lead Project

the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating.
the fact of being created.
 something that is or has been created.
the Creation, the original bringing into existence of the universe by God.
the world; universe.

This word has lots of meanings, above is what dictionary.com listed for the definitions. I would like for us to look at the first definition in reference to our next project which has to do with the fourth definition.  This is where you get to use your own ideas and images from your own mind and heart to create something for the rest of us to see. I have given you a few instructions so that you have a starting place and don't get overwhelmed. At the highlighted portions of this entry are some links if you forget what we talked about in class. We will start on this next week HIS students and after Thanksgiving Immanuel students. 

I do want to talk about preliminary design sheets. This is an important step for you as a student because it helps you get what it is that is rolling around in your head onto paper and gives you a place to begin. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to do an assignment well and you get stuck because there is too much good stuff up in your brain. Sometimes it is hard to choose! Please come to class with your thoughts and ideas out of your brain and sketched and written on your preliminary design sheet. Don't worry you can change your mind once you get going but this gives you a place to start! I am so looking forward to what you come up with I know I will be dazzled by your incredible creativity and artistry!


Worth   2, YES 2 BONUS Cards …   I CANNOT WAIT to see what you come up with!
Here is the challenge to do over break  if you choose and your art work MUST include the following elements:
·        Must include 2 skills that have been learned so far: value shading, 6 components of drawing.
·        Must use more than one medium, this includes: oil pastels, water color pencils, sketch pencils. Anything your like! Fabric, recyclables, different types of paper, paint, ink pens, crayons. Sky’s the limit- this is your chance to use what you would like and maybe try something new-super cool!
·        It must be done in color-that’s right it could be one or 101 you choose!
·        Lastly it should be representative of something you are thankful for OR a family thanksgiving tradition.
·        To earn your bonus cards you must bring it to class the week we return for co-op

·        Must be created on 8.5 x11 paper

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