Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Break Art Challenge

Hey Art Students! 

I hope this blog post finds you all enjoying the wonders of our Christmas season!  Here is the long awaited Christmas Break Art Challenge! Now remember this is completely optional but can earn you another museum card if you complete it and bring it in our FIRST WEEK BACK TO CO-OP!
 This is a good way to make up for cards that you have not gotten. If that interests you then read on.
Your challenge:
 to create something that represents something you would like to accomplish in the new year. This could be anything, a character quality, a goal, even trying something new. Whatever it is you must create something with the following perimeters:
  • The substrate must be 8.5 in. x 11 in.
  • You must use fabric in your artwork somehow
  • You must use an ellipse somehow
  • You must use words somehow-ie: written, cut out/ pasted 
  • Must bring it first week back to co-op to earn museum card
  • You can use a medium of your choice and if you want use more than one
  • You must get up in class and tell us about it (time permitting)
I look forward to what you will do. As always you do some incredibly creative things and it brings me great joy to see you working out your creativity in these challenge projects.

Just a couple of  reminders:
 There is a special goodie that you can earn with your museum cards.  As of now there has been opportunities to earn 9 cards including bonus cards or 5 regular museum cards. Break time is a good time to check and see where you are at, what you might be missing, and what you need to do to get where you want to be.

 It is also a good time to get out your art box check list and make sure your art box is stocked and ready to go for the rest of the year.  This form can be found in your notebook at the front along with the art studio rules and conduct sheet. If you can't find it, download and print off a copy HERE and place it in your notebook.
Have a wonderful, very, Merry Christmas with your families! I will see you next year! Mrs. W

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


 I find Egyptian artwork interesting to study for reasons  despite its formal and organized design elements: One is called Frontalism; the particular way in which Egyptians depicted humans in their artwork. The other, is the beautiful patterning they used. This reflects their relationship to the environment and their spiritual belief system. It is sometimes difficult to think about these artifacts as "artwork" when you compare it to other wonderful examples of artwork later in history. But interestingly, Egyptian art was not meant to be seen by others at all. The designs and patterning were created for the deceased as they journeyed into the afterlife. Often images like flowers  were used in symbolic ways to represent, for example new life and rebirth.( pg.1)

 Please watch the video below to understand more about this unique technique done by this fascinating ancient people group.

We will be using real papyrus paper in class for our artwork this week. Watch this video on how papyrus paper is still being made in Egypt.